
Until this day

you guide me towards this place 

with rocks/with water

Towards this place

you guide me through this day

with horses/with men 

Water polishes stone 

and we await a moment
-Potential Conversations-

‘What would you do if I tried to crush your scull with one of these rocks?’

‘What do you propose?’

‘You could run away’

‘Would you chase me?’
‘Yes, I would’

‘What would you do if I tried to kill you with one of these rocks?’

‘What do you propose?’

‘You could try to run away from me.’

‘Would you like that? Me, running away from you?’

‘Yes, I probably would.’


‘What would you do if I tried to kill you with one of these rocks?’

‘What could I do if you attempted this?’

‘You could get scared and run away.’

‘Would you chase me?’
‘I would.’

‘These loose rocks will slow down my pace and you will catch up with me in no time.’

‘But you could try and fight back by taking rocks yourself.’

‘I could, yes, but I wouldn’t.’

‘And why is that?’

‘I would die because you are stronger than me. What pleasure does that give you?’

‘None… It makes me terrified because if I kill you it would be like you never actually lived.’

‘Yes: it’s a game of power.’
‘If you kill me it will be like I have never actually lived. When you die
you disappear and because life is in fact shorter than death, in a fraction
of a second you vanish into nothing. That is how these things go. Time is not of any importance anymore. And when there is no time there is nothing. It is what it is.’

‘I am excited to do this. Are you?’

‘Death is only present if you pronounce its name. If you pronounce the name of someone that died, you let death into life. And that is unacceptable. These things should be kept in two different locked rooms.’

‘If I hit you and you do not protect yourself you trust me.’

‘It has nothing to do with trust.’

‘But you surrender to me. You give yourself to me. Surrendering is an act of trust.’

‘That is true. But murder has nothing to do with trust. Killing is all about being in power. You have the control over life. You take over God’s task. You become God in a way.’

‘It is comfortable thinking.’

‘We are powerless structures. We have tutorial hearts and territorial desires.’

‘Probably. Men surrenders to nature. Nature surrenders to the cosmos. Cosmos stands above nature: they are not the same.’

‘Men are nature. Nature is tree. When we talk about men destroying nature, we simultaneously talk about men destroying men. Life is about putting faith into the cosmos.’

‘I once knew a woman who saw someone getting murdered and she actually enjoyed watching it. But she would never consider doing it herself. She loved watching someone getting killed, but not the act of killing itself. I love killing but I do not like watching someone die. Her and I should meet again one day.’

‘Was she a pretty woman?’

‘Why do you ask? Yes, she was attractive. Classic beauty. Nothing very special about her.’

‘I always imagined people who kill to be very pretty, and being very seductive. They let their targets believe they are special to them, and then kill them after they hit them unconscious with a rock.’

‘You just have to bend, grab the rock and hit it so I would be dead. You are consciously doing something. You’re putting your mind into it. It is not an act of trust. Trust is something different. It is an agreement you make with another person. You’re deciding for me, here.’

‘But you surrender to me. Is that not a conscious decision too?’

‘I am not giving in though… I just strongly believe it is useless to fight against someone as powerful as you. So I make peace with me dying. And that is of course a conscious decision I make only for myself. You see? We both make, separately, our own decisions: you kill me, decision one, I die, decision two. Two different conceptions of thought.’

‘So you believe I am stronger than you? I believe you are stronger than you might think.’

‘I do not think so.’

‘Your body will collapse. I drag it into the water. On my turn I enter the water. I can feel your body becoming lighter. I think it is important that I can feel your body becoming lighter. If you kill someone it is your duty to stay with the corpse until you are not in control anymore. That is why killing someone close to water is better. Also, I hate it more than anything when the head is faced down towards the bottom of the river. 
Do you remember when your father taught you how to float on water? He put one hand under your shoulder blades and one under your upper legs, so that your eyes faced the sky. The sudden realisation that what is underneath you is only a pair of hands and water, both stronger than your entire body… makes you sigh. You rest in the breaking point of the waves. When I am letting go of the body, it quickly sinks for only ten centimeters under the surface. There it stays. No movement. 
I walk out of the water and dry in the sun. My clothes dry instantly. It took no time. Time is irrelevant when you’re resting after heavy labor. When I stand up to leave your body is gone.’

My parents were lying down on the bed as they turned into skeletons. My mother whispered: come and lay down with me. My father touched her ribs and started counting them, one by one. He counted seven. I started running towards the door to find out it was locked and screamed for my unborn brother please help me.
Concerning SomePlace#1

‘The fields were shrouded in blue light. It felt like a strange reflection of something undefined. I looked up and there was no moon, nor cars in the valley. Rocks seem to float on the dusty ground. I picked up one, earlier, and it was very heavy. I am in a strange place right no; time stood still today.’
Eye 2