Prospectuses, 2020
AAIR Antwerp
AAIR’s artists-in-residence present their work in this hybrid setting — myriad responses to their individual and collective experience of the lockdown.

Prospectuses brings together pastoral fairytales, diary drawings, visceral videos, and sculptures and performances referencing art as a transaction or service. In finance, a prospectus is a statement that forecasts the nature and value of a project or an enterprise. This exhibition reclaims the word in a broader sense, as an act of viewing that anticipates the unknown, regardless of any measurable outcome.

“Four drawings are conceived by the artist as visual letters to a family member, a deceased LGBTQ-activist, a gruesomely murdered trans woman, and a murderer. The titles only mention their first chosen or given names. Hallet wants to bring these individuals and their personal storylines together in an inclusive, spiritual space or huis clos, where they can meet, discuss, and perhaps even find forgiveness and healing in the afterlife.”

With: Aurélie Bayad, Che Go Eun, Zoë Field, Tom Hallet, Julia Dahee Hong, Jakub Hošek, Béla Juttner and Joud Toamah.

Text written by, exhibition curated by Caroline Dumalin
installation view "Prospectuses"
To Helena, 2020
pencil on paper
D.R.F. (A New Kind of Tenderness), 2020
latex, rope, earth, humain hair
D.R.F. (A New Kind of Tenderness)(detail), 2020
latex, rope, earth, humain hair
To Sarah, 2020
pencil on paper
To Paloma, 2020
pencil on paper
D.R.F. (A New Kind of Tenderness)(detail), 2020
latex, rope, earth, humain hair
installation view "Prospectuses"
To Paloma, 2020
pencil on paper
Eye 2